
UniTrento Discovery books can be searched through UniTrento Discovery . Once you have identified the book you need, you are directed to the publisher’s platform where the book is available. Each platform also has its own search interface and can be accessed directly.

All books can be viewed online, in full or by single section, and many of them can be downloaded and transferred to devices more suitable for reading that do not require a connection (e.g. ebook reader).

Some ebooks are protected by DRM (Digital Rights Management) and before downloading them you need to install Adobe Digital Edition or other similar software on your device, create an Adobe ID and sign-in on the publisher’s website; they cannot be stored forever on your device, but are subjected to the rules of digital lending (generally you can keep them one or two weeks).

Not all e-books are accessible in the same way. More information is generally available on the help section of each platform.

Access and Help

Online resources of the library

Ebooks which need registration