Language center collection
The collection includes some 1750 language teaching materials (dictionaries, handbooks for European language certification, grammars, exercises, simplified readings, multimedia resources). Owned by the University’s Linguistic Centre, the collection has been housed and managed in the Central Library since December 2007
Ancient collection of law
Year of acquisition: 1985-
Holdings: 650 volumes
Digests, commentaries, glosses, sources for Common Law and Canon Law. Volumes purchased in antiques for the use of historians of law. Two incunabula, 153 sixteenth-century editions, 116 seventeenth-century editions.
Baratto collection
Year of acquisition: 1992
Holdings: about 3,900 volumes
Texts and studies of Italian literature, especially of the 18th and 19th centuries. From Mario Baratto’s library (1920-1984), professor of Italian literature at the university of Cagliari, Pisa and Venice.
Bertoldi collection
Year of acquisition: 2007
Holdings: 1,170 volumes
Studies in pedagogy from the 1960s to the 1980s of the 20th century. Gift from the family of Franco Bertoldi (1920-2005) professor of pedagogy at the universities of Rome, Milan and Trento.
Hocke collection
Year of acquisition: 2008
Holdings: 360 volumes
English and American literature of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Books from the private library of the English writer Martin Hocke (1938-2005), donated by the family.
Limentani collection
Year of acquisition: 1997
Holdings: 2,200 volumes and 500 extracts
Provencal and ancient French. Books from the library of Alberto Limentani (1935-1986), professor of Romance philology at the universities of Cagliari, Venice and Padua. Donated by the family in 1997.
Marzaduri collection
Year of acquisition: 1992
Holdings: 2,333 volumes
Texts and studies of Russian literature and culture of the 19th and 20th centuries, mostly in the Russian language. Gift of the family of Marzio Marzaduri (1930-1990), bibliophile, professor of Slavic studies and Russian literature at the universities of Venice and Trento.
Musica collection
Year of acquisition: 1985-
Holdings: about 2,600 scores. Increasing
Music in print. About 1,000 volumes of works in critical edition
Sciocchetti collection
Year of acquisition: 2015
Personal archive of General Gian Piero Sciocchetti, scholar of fortifications, mountain trasport, monumental buildings of the Habsburg period (19th- 20th centuries). Miscellaneous collection of documents with numerous and valuable original drawings finished in china and/ or in colour handmade by the general himself.
Silli collection
Year of acquisition: 2002
Holdings: 300 volumes
Sources and studies for the history of law. From the library of Paolo Silli, professor of Roman law at the faculty of Law of the University of Trento from 1985 to 2001. Family gift.
Sombart collection
Year of acquisition: 2007
Holdings: 700 volumes
French and German history and literature. Books from the private library of Werner Sombart (1863-1941), German economist and sociologist. Family gift.
Tardieu collection
Year of acquisition: 2010
Holdings: 410 volumes
French poetry of the second half of the 20th century. Books belonging to Jean Tardieu, French poet and playwright (1903-1995), donated by the family. Many volumes with autograph dedication of the author.
Varanini collection
Year of acquisition: 1997
Holdings: about 2,500 volumes and 4,000 extracts
Texts and studies of philology and Italian literature of the first centuries. Books belonging to Giorgio Varanini (1921-1991) professor of Italian literature at the universities of Pisa and Verona.
Journals of the '900
Year of acquisition: 1996
Holdings: 160 periodicals. For the consistency of the individual journals see the Catalogue of Periodicals. Literary magazines, especially Italian, belonging to the first half of the twentieth century. Some were donated by the family of writer Libero Bigiaretti (1905-1993). Numerous in digital format (Circe).